1963 A Code of Ethics is accepted by the people of Louisiana, thus establishing a standard of ethics and morals for all employees of the state, at the League’s insistence. Its operation is placed in the hands of the Louisiana Department of Civil Service.
1963 The City of Abbeville establishes a civil service system upon advice from the League.
1965 The Monte M. Lemann Award is established to recognize outstanding citizens who have helped the merit system cause, but are not in the classified service. It is named for the co-author of the 1952 Constitutional Amendment and a strong merit system supporter.
1972 The League helps establish a civil service system for the Town of Kaplan.
1973 Governor Edwin W. Edwards calls for a Constitutional Convention to rewrite the State constitution. During the year, many attempts are made to emasculate or weaken our unique merit civil service system for the City of New Orleans and State of Louisiana. With a statewide educational effort and the help of one of the League’s honorary life chairman, Moise W. Dennery, Civil Service is kept intact and once again is included in the state constitution. The voters of Louisiana approve the new document.
1975 The League runs a citywide publicity campaign to retain New Orleans Policeman and Fireman under the City’s merit system instead of allowing them to be placed under a “union seniority” hiring system. The League’s efforts results in a landslide victory for merit civil service.
1980 The League writes a new civil service law for St. Charles Parish, established by ordinance.
1983 The League writes a new civil service law for employees of the Mandeville Police Department, which later includes all employees of the City. It is subsequently placed in a legislative act.
1985 One of the most concerted efforts to abolish Louisiana’s “Little Hatch Act” provision is made with the backing of Governor Edwin W. Edwards. The League spearheads a statewide educational campaign and receives positive editorial comment from the majority of Louisiana’s newspapers. The campaign is successful and the move to weaken civil service is averted.
1987 The league is successful in persuading the voters of St. Charles Parish to include their merit civil service system in their Home Rule Charter by passing an amendment. It can now only be removed by a vote of the people.
1988 The League rewrites the civil service system for St. John the Baptist Parish, and, with the approval of the new administration, sets new criteria for hiring and political activities.